Wednesday, September 28, 2011


i cant believe how incredibly tired i am .. and people would say that i have good reason to be tired . 4 kids , work , house work . it is tired . but i feel like it shouldn't really be an excuse right now . maybe its all from my pregnancy . going to bed early , waking up 2 times a night to pee , waking up late ! .. and taking a morning nap ! . while i am here at home on my days off i really don't do anything to make me tired . i think that i need to revamp my current lifestyle .
a makeover is always a good thing . i also need to get out of this tired mom funk that i am in .
i don't know how well this will go over tomorrow when i am tired out of my wits . but for now i will try and clean and de clutter my living room /kitchen area . thats it for now wish me luck ! . LOL

Thursday, September 22, 2011


so while going through y facebook this morning , something came to my intrest . my cousin who lives in the city wrote " kids on leashes is weird , why not control your child " .
i found this to be very interesting as she only has one child . a 6 year old .
I on the other hand have 4 with one on the way . my sister who lives in the city as well , put her daughter on a " Leash " . only because her daughter had this habit of running on the road , and instead of always running after her , and yelling around like an idiot , she choose the leash . which wasn't really a leash . it was a puppy dog backpack , with a tether on the top . so the parent could hang on to it .
Now , here i am . i do not live in the city , i live on a secluded Indian reservation . with low amounts of traffic and strangers . and i have considered buying one myself ! . my two year old likes to run on the road when we go out for family walks . all the while im trying to manage him AND push a stroller . i am good at multi tasking , but only to some sort of degree .
another thing that bothered me is how much a mom of only ONE or TWO . can judge another mother . i have FOUR . very energetic children . who keep me on my toes all the time ! . i will admit to being lazy and taking a step back while we are at home . when ever we leave the house im on my A GAME . always watching , stressing and just feeling overwhelmed . all the while a Mom of one or two feels its safe to judge me , telling me to watch my kids , well mother of one . until you have four kids walking around getting into things , running for the road . you can say something . till then keep your mouth shut ! .

Thursday, September 8, 2011


i am 25 years old , and a mother of 4 with one on the way ! . ella is my only girl , she is 9 ! . Nikolai is my oldest son , he is days away from turning 6 . Malakai is my special little baby , he is 3 and full of energy . Maxim is my happy 15 month old . he is the baby , for now .
Growing up i wanted to be a SUPER MOM ! . have a super clean house . that is just so spotless and just beautiful to look at . i also wanted to Cook fabulous meals Night after night . Pack Spectacular lunches for my Well behaved children . i wanted to look fabulous every day . i wanted to wake up take a shower , get made up . and just always be SUPER POSITIVE and happy .
but now my definition of a SUPER MOM .. is being a LAZY MOM . lol
I sleep in until about 7:30 . get my kids ready for school in a rush . cold cereal is what they eat after getting dressed . almost like a super model in a fashion show . lol .
my kids leave the house and im pretty relieved we made it ! . i turn the tv on for the babies and its usually set to cartoons for the rest of the day . while my babies are busy snacking and watching tv . i will tidy the kitchen . do dishes . and then throw a load of laundry in the wash . when i am done with that . i kick my kids off the TV . and tune into THE VIEW . but i only watch for the first twenty minutes to watch the Hot topics . i go on facebook for the remainder of the afternoon . folding laundry and just not putting any of the clothes away ! . then i get ready for work . i work from 3-9pm or 4-pm . sometimes 12-9pm . it changes . i am a cashier at our local grocery store .
I like working i am a people person . and i don't mind it . its a job . in our town they are VERY hard to come by .
i dont know how often i will blog . but its a start !! . lol .